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Writer's picture: Emma JaquethEmma Jaqueth

Updated: Aug 29, 2022

There are so many benefits to working with a mentor one-on-one—especially when it involves spiritual work and deep soul work.

As humans we are designed to be in community. We also have mechanisms within us that help us to pick up on the social cues of others, how people speak and dress, and to mimic those actions in whatever group we are in. Society has certain “rules” or paradigms associated with them, and as humans we attune to these paradigms. This is what culture is. It’s the agreed upon constructs from which societies are built.

When a woman steps into a community space, when everyone is connecting and healing and exploring their deeper truths, inevitably we are influenced by others. Because at our core, we are social beings. It’s a wonderful thing to be in a totally new space and to be able to learn quickly what others do and say and how to pick up on that, exude those qualities, and speak in that way.

But when one is looking to do deep soul work, to know her own individuality, her own strengths, her own path to the sacred, one-on-one work shines. Because working one-on-one with a mentor you are able to explore yourself, your own strengths, your own programming’s that you want to change. You are able to focus on you. This is a scary, exciting, insightful and honest way to do spiritual work because there is no one else to focus on. It’s about you. Everything that arises is about you. However you are working is based on you. You are solely responsible for yourself and you get to know yourself here. You get to build from this place. You get to build a foundation made of your own choosing.

I am Nature Wild Sacred Woman Goddess
I am Nature by Amy Charlette

Working with a mentor also supports you in continuing forward towards your destination and not falling into pitfalls by helping you to recognize the trickster within your own psyche. Working with a mentor supports you in taking the observer view of your life to see your patterns, to change them, to build a life using your strengths.

This is the way of bringing ancient work into modern life. I hear a lot of longing for community from women that I work with, myself included. We long to gather, to connect, to be seen and heard and felt, to work together. And we can do that. But we no longer live in tribes. Most of us live in nuclear households. So how can we work to bring the ancient longing for community into modern life? Through embodying being resourced to the larger Web of Life. This is about connecting to community that is Nature, that is the Trees, the Elements, the birds and animals, to the unseen and to the mysterious. This is also about connecting into the community of your body, your breath, your thoughts. All of these can support you on your journey. There is such resiliency through recognizing and tending to these connections. Wherever you go, you have this community with you. When you are in your home, exhausted, cleaning up after dinner and you feel like you can’t move forward, the Web of Life is there for you. Supporting you. Giving you life and understanding if you ask for it. This is all within you too.

Tree Woman Goddess Rooted
Dryad Spirit by Mickie Mueller

So working one-on-one you learn the skills of accessing your Resourced Self at all times. Rather than relying on those around you to support you in making decisions, in processing, in being fed, you can feed yourself.

When you work one-on-one with a mentor or coach, there is also no hiding. It’s all about you and all of you will show up, whether you want that or not. This may feel vulnerable, scary, too much. But this is where the magic happens. In all your pieces coming to the table, you become more aware of them. You can work with them. You get to learn and know your unique self. And you express this unique self more.

A lot of the work that I do is about peeling away social paradigms to then build yourself up out of your own choosing. Inevitably social constructs and ways of being find their way back into your life, because most likely you will be spending time with people. And as social beings we innately gravitate to taking on aspects of society that fit our surroundings. But now you have more awareness, and thus more choice. Now you can choose the paradigms that you want to live by. You also align yourself more with Truth. You feel within you the flow and the wisdom from the world around you. You sense the Nature Law of the Web of Life, and aligning with this Truth also supports you in your individual expression. And through this attunement with your natural flow and rhythm, you don’t have to work so hard to move in the direction of your soul’s calling. You move from your strengths and from your genius. Through this work of undoing, you get to find where within your being there are always enough resources to call upon. And you learn how to access that in working one-on-one with someone who knows how to navigate deep rooted soul work.

Nature Goddess Sacred Woman Dreams Art Spiral
Weaving Dreams by Eva Ruiz

I am equipped to walk beside you as you dive into the depths of your soul. I hold space for you as you uncover everything that you’ve ever been taught and choose to create something of your own. I witness you and help guide you in the direction of your most honest soul express. I am living my gentle and resilient hand-made life. If you would like to explore working one-on-one together, follow the link on this page to contact me. There are many paths to working with me and I would love to hear from you.

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