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A Journey of Deep Connection, Respect, and Patience with Nature

This activity invites you to cultivate a deeper relationship with the natural world by tuning into the subtle messages of consent and moving at the pace of Nature. By learning to ask for permission and respecting the boundaries of the world around you, you’ll experience a deeper sense of awareness and harmony with the Earth.


What You’ll Experience


🌿 Gaining Consent from Nature – Explore how to ask the Earth for permission to engage with a particular space, plant, or natural element. Your body will give you signals of yes or no, helping you deepen your intuitive connection to the world around you.

🌿 Following Natural Attractions – Discover the power of listening to your heart’s desires, following the attractions that call to you in Nature. Your heart has a powerful wisdom that leads you toward connection and growth.

🌿 Walking at Nature’s Pace – Slow down and experience what it’s like to move at the rhythm of Nature. This mindful walk will attune your energy to the Earth, allowing you to fully engage with the beauty and interconnectedness of the natural world.


Why This Matters


Consent is essential in all relationships, especially with Nature. By learning to ask for permission and respecting the boundaries of the world around you, you cultivate a deeper sense of safety, trust, and connection. Moving at Nature’s pace brings you into the present moment, allowing you to truly engage with the richness of the world around you. This practice also invites more spiritual and emotional healing, as you develop a harmonious relationship with the Earth.


How to Begin


  • Download the PDF guide and begin by finding a comfortable place in Nature where you feel connected.
  • Start with heart breathing, placing your hand on your chest and inviting calm into your body.
  • Ask the Earth if it’s okay to walk slowly in the area. Trust the feelings your body gives you—if you receive a “yes”, continue. If it’s a “no”, move on to another place.


Once you’ve connected with your chosen spot, continue with the full experience, including reflection prompts to deepen your practice.



🌿 Want to go deeper? Feel free to share your experience with me by emailing I’d love to offer Attraction-Based Feedback on your practice and suggest further activities for your personal journey.

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