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The goal of this 8 week training is to support you in developing a safe relationship with yourself, your body, your home and Nature. The larger goal of developing a safe relationship is so that you may develop a safe relationship with your magical, multidimensional self and world around you. So that you may comfortably create a life of your own choosing. This is the first stepping stone on a much richer and longer path of the Wise Woman of the E(art)h training. But, this single step holds a rich depth of wisdom all on its own. Even if you choose to only take this one step, it will have a positive and supportive impact on your life. May you enjoy the process and let curiosity guide you. 


Setting yourself up for success:

         Before you begin this journey, there are some things that need to be done to prepare yourself. Here is what you will need:

  • Obtain a journal, specifically dedicated to your Wise Woman of the Earth journey. Gather one now (or make one!) and write on the first page or cover page (Your Name)’s Wise Woman of the Earth Journey

    • In this journal you will keep notes about your experiences, reflect on what you learned, and write about important shifts that you are noticing within yourself. 

  • I highly suggest that you set a day of the week that is the beginning of the week. If you choose Monday as the start of your week, you will be starting every new work on the Mondays of each week. By having a starting day, you can read through that week’s experiences and then feel into when in your week you will have the most space to complete the experiences. 

    • This will also give you some space at the end of your week for reflections. There will always be reflection questions after every week to invite you in to deeper relationship with yourself.

  • Download this PDF on your phone or computer when you have internet, or print it off for ease of use. Once the PDF is downloaded you do not need internet connection to access it. Take it with you on all your adventures of the journeys below and beyond. 

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