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Supporting brilliant women in embodying self-trust to savor spiritual fulfillment, thriving well-being & profound possibility 

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A journey of Self-Trust digital collage by Emma Jaqueth

Humans have been telling stories since the beginning of time on earth. Our cave paintings speak to ways that we would express ourselves before we had common words to express ourselves. These story telling sessions will be rich with symbolism, lived challenges and triumphs, and focused around specific feminine principles of relating to the Soul. 


This is a group-mentorship series where we will meet twice a month live in personal and virtually over zoom to do share sacred stories around our experiences as women, do ritual, and support each other in seeing our own wisdom and light. Our rituals will be centered around what our souls most deeply yearn for, create art from this place, and then move deeper through limiting beliefs and challenges keeping you from embodying this self-trust, so you can shed these and really live the life of your dreams! 

The sessions will begin with this structure, with the option of evolution as we move through this journey together. First, we will have a short group grounding and breath-work activity to bring us fully present to the space and center ourselves within the safety of our own energy fields, then we will introduce ourselves in some special way related to the story of the session. Then I will open the space in a sacred, ritualistic fashion to honor the stories and space we are sharing together. Next I will share one of my sacred stories that I've gleamed wisdom from on my path. From there, we will open the floor to discussions around what this story brought up for you and others, the insights you gleamed from this story, and any insights or stories it inspired within you. You can share as much or as little as you desire. Come as you are, letting each session meet you differently as you've changed and grown. We will be focusing on our unique wisdom and challenges that we face in this world as women, and depending on how each session goes, I may share an activity or two (or we may do one during our sessions) to further support, uncover and deepen our exploration around all the places that keep us from living and expressing what our Soul's know. You will also receive an email prior to each session to know the topics and themes we will be covering together that time.

The basis of this self-trust series is the empowering ancient practice of honoring sacred stories and how sharing stories within community helps us to see our own wisdom, learn lessons from story, and gain deeper insights into our own person gifts. We thrive in community together, and this storytelling self-trust series is specially designed for women to listen, to share, and go deeper into our unique and shared experiences, special to us as women. 

As the title suggests, the primary goal of this series is to encourage, give light to, and deepen your relationship with your Self-Trust. As women, our deepest wisdom and greatest fulfillments come when we listen to our souls', and this Self-Trust Series is designed to be a constant watering of your deep self-trust. The more we can trust ourselves in our feminine wisdom, the more resilient, revolutionary and relaxed we become. 

What you will receive from our time together:

  • A group story-telling experience in each session

  • A sacred opening and creating space ritual to further emphasize the healing, magical and supportive energies within this space

  • This series is designed to give you irreversible shifts towards your self-trust, thriving well-being and your relationship to limitless possibility. 

  • You will develop a steadfast and resilient confidence to live the life of your dreams

  • You will be given a container to honor your feminine wisdom and a specially crafted method of learning for you to achieve your greatest goals and desires. ​

  • 12 2 hour group story-telling/ritual sessions to support you in embodying your most spiritually fulfilled self while also addressing common feminine blocks around trusting yourself and your personal genius.

  • Specific activities to do between each session to further explore and develop your sense of self-trust. These are not necessary to do, but can bring in deeper support around your journey towards greater self-trust. 

  • A live community of women also dedicated to self-trust through our in-person gatherings

  • Access to our online community only available to women who work with me

  • You will develop steadfast and resilient confidence to live the life of your dreams according to your own wisdom and knowing! 


  • This is a 6 month container, with 2 meetings per month

  • Begins Tuesday June 11th 7-9pm  and runs every second and fourth Tuesday through November 26th. 

    • Official dates are:​

      • June 11th & 25th​

      • July 9th & 23rd

      • August 13th & 27th

      • September 10th & 24th

      • October 8th & 22nd

      • November 12th & 26th 

  • ​Registration closes Monday June 10th end of day PDT

  • We will be meeting IN-PERSON in Downtown Missoula and over zoom through the course of this series to make it accessible, easy and convenient for everyone

    • We will have special openings, connections and ways of deepening our community with an online group community aspect of this series

  • Introduction cost of $900 or 6 monthly payments of $150 ​​

  • Each session will have: group coaching, story telling centered around feminine wisdom, the power of community to illuminate personal genius and more...


This offering is wonderful for busy women who don't have any extra time beyond the 2 hours, twice a month calls. The story-telling experiences themselves will be rich with empowerment, learnings and insights. Similar to how reading a book brings insight, wisdom and relaxation, so too does these story-telling sessions, but this is deeper, more ancient, and more impactful because we are connecting up with our long-standing human practice of telling and listening to stories. 

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Ancestors Gathering & Dancing digital collage by Emma Jaqueth


  • Self-Trust Series (PAID IN FULL)

    Supporting brilliant women in embodying self-trust in group rituals and coaching
    Valid for 6 months
    • This is a 6 month container, with 2 meetings per month
    • Designed to give you irreversible shifts towards self-trust
    • 12 unique rituals centered around feminine wisdom
    • Community of powerful women dedicated to self-trust
    • Special exploration around women-centered blocks
    • Magical empowerment practices to embody your best self
    • Special art and nature activities for this group only
  • Self-Trust Series (6 MONTH PAYMENT PLAN)

    Every month
    Savor spiritual fulfillment, thriving well-being & limitless possibility
    Valid for 6 months
    • This is a 6 month container, with 2 meetings per month
    • Designed to give you irreversible shifts towards self-trust
    • 12 unique rituals centered around feminine wisdom
    • Community of powerful women dedicated to self-trust
    • Special exploration around women-centered blocks
    • Magical empowerment practices to embody your best self
    • Special art and nature activities for this group only
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